Team Training and Information
Ground Search and Rescue (GSAR) training happens on Wednesdays beginning in September, running through to May including one weekend day every month or two.
GSAR training is developed and coordinated by the Emergency Management Division of the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC). The training is standardized province-wide. This means that the training a volunteer receives in one community can be transferred to another. The basis for all SAR training is the GSAR course. This course is a minimum of 75 hours, but most communities (including Prince George) have expanded the course to about 100 hours. This ensures that the extensive material is adequately covered, that the students have the necessary practical experience, and that regionally significant issues such as avalanche rescue are included.

Visiting Prince George?
When visiting town, members from other SAR teams may inquire with the Training Officer about attending specific training events. Members from other SAR teams wanting to get credit for training attended at one of our meetings must contact the Personnel Officer before attending a training session to ensure that we have sufficient training spaces available, and to discuss how credit can be given. Members who do not make arrangements with the Personnel Officer ahead of time cannot be given credit.
Decisions For Heroes
Prince George SAR uses D4H to manage our attendance and training records. Members of PG SAR can access D4H using the link below.